Play Practice

Play Practice Basketball

Portsmouth, NH's Premier Basketball Confidence Training Program

The Confident Coach

New Hampshire's Premier Basketball Coach's training program using the TAGteach™ Method

Play Practice Basketball is offering our premier online Coach's Training for Free. A $125.00 value.

Why would we do this?
P​lay Practice Basketball has a passion for training young players in the area to give them the advantage they need to make the High School Team, BEFORE they get to High School. And we want the Coaches to join us in this passion in building a network of superior players that will have the  Concrete Confidence to excel in shooting, ball-handling, footwork, and overall skills to be the best athlete they can be. 
​Wether you're a Trained Coach or a Volunteer Parent, We want you to have the tools and techniques that we use to bring players from the bench to the winning shots of the game.

Is it really Free?

It most certainly is. And all we ask is that you sign up below. Fill out the form below and you'll be on your way to accessing this 4-part online course that teaches the Play Practice Basketball method of training up young athletes with CONCRETE CONFIDENCE™, which is what we believe is at the heart of successful athletes.


Check your SPAM or JUNK folder! An email will be sent to guide you into the course!