Play Practice

Play Practice Basketball

Portsmouth, NH's Premier Basketball Confidence Training Program

We re-model your player's shot by solving for power first, changing their definition and capability for Deep Range shooting while allowing them to keep "their shot" and the comfort and confidence that goes with it!


Finish with any hand, any foot, any time! We help your player develop Jedi Master-level control over finishing technique and decisions so they can feel confident using any hand or foot when they need to score!


All 6 of our 4-Week Focus™ courses are bundled with weekly Dr. Dish access to give you 1 hour per week in the gym for 24 weeks!


We help your player build certainty from the ground up so they can be a decisive attacker, instead of a nervous avoider!


We help your player GET THE BALL by building specific strategic and technical skills for predicting, positioning, and pursuing - so they can help their team get more chances to score!


We help your player become unguardable. Other programs advise your player work on only the physical technique with stationary, isolated dribbling drills. We help your player become unguardable by focusing their attention on the footwork and decisions that go with handling the ball, and doing it against live defense!


We help your player touch the ball more often. Most programs expect players to inherently know how, when, and where to move to get themselves open and get the ball, and yelling MOVE! is all the instruction they provide. We help your player touch the ball more often by focusing their attention on the principles of spacing, timing, and decision making that are universal to any offense!
