We help your player find their "Eureka" moment in every skill
Other programs talk about what they want to teach, instead of what your player needs to learn.
We help your player find their "Eureka" moment in every skill, changing their mindset from "I can't" to "I found it!" and motivating them to continue learning and trying new things!
Your player has a lack of options at the rim. They have only learned 1 kind of layup, and they are not even very good at making that. When they drive they either shoot that shot, or get flustered, frustrated, or frozen when the defense stops them - they don't know what else to do!
We give them options with a simple framework:
- There 5 angles of attack around the basket
- There is a Primary move, and countermove to use from each angle
- If they can get comfortable with both hands, they have 5 angles x 2 moves x 2 hands = 20 options
Designed for 7-10-year-old skill level, this 4-week course is on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm, beginning October 2nd.
Only 12 players will be accepted for this group!
Evaluation required - text us at 603-932-5893 to schedule your evaluation!
Part of our Eureka! Series, we will have a new course focused on a specific skill each month - We help your player find their "Eureka" moment in every skill, changing their mindset from "I can't" to "I found it!"
"Create more shots by moving without the ball!"
"Get more rebounds than the tallest kid on your team!"
Call or Text us at: 603-932-5893 (Message, Carrier, and data rates may apply)