Have you ever had your player in a group or on a team with their grade-level peers that was either far below their abilities (and they were bored), or far above their abilities (and they were stressed)?
If yes, then read on! You already understand the problem that we are attempting to solve with SOCKS™.
The current method of using age, grade-level, or the coach's "eye test" leaves much to be desired. Our vision is to transform the industry standard for how players are evaluated in order to achieve the ultimate objective - what we call "Calibrated Competition" - the balanced edge of challenge for your player between overwhelm and boredom!
Play Practice SOCKS™
System for
Classification of
Knowledge and
Modeled after the martial arts belt color system, our seven-level player classification system uses actual athletic socks as the physical representation of your player's highest achieved skill level!
Our initial assessment will be via our Confidence Scorecard. This online assessment tool provides your player with a score in 9 key skill areas, as well as an overall score on The Confidence Index™. This provides us with a measure of confidence that you and your player have in their skill level, and allows us to calibrate the correct level of competition, skill complexity and intensity of training to precisely match the player's needs.
Combining an on-court evaluation that measures actual performance of skills with the online assessment, this system helps your player identify the criteria and priority skills they need to improve in order to reach each next color level.
The goal of using the SOCKS™ system is to ensure that your player has an objective assessment of their ability and have a rationale for finding the highest impact skills to work on at home, and the right level of competition.
Find out your players score on the Confidence Index at https://confidenceindex.scoreapp.com
If their rating lands above Yellow, we will invite them to attend a free 1on1 evaluation in order to pinpoint their sock score, provide feedback on their priority areas of improvement - and give them a free pair of socks! - to wear with pride and remind them of what they are working on every time they are in the gym - whether they choose to train with us or not!
Call or Text us at: 603-932-5893